Monday, July 23, 2012

Trip Preparations

Finding time to say goodbye, while figuring out what I will need for the next year has turned out to be a little hard than I thought. It has become a bit of a juggling act, but I have found time to get everything done. Some of it has been very last minute hehe. That is what I am good at I guess. Running around the last day so sleep on the plan will come easily.

I just got back from a quick visit to Durgano, to hang with my brother. Jonas is  hard to get back up to Denver, so seeing him meant a trip down there. Although with his recent break of his foot, he will be back up in Denver the day after I leave. It was a fun trip full of doctors and bottling his first batch of home brew beer. It was an interesting process, but between the two of us we got it bottled, although there was quiet a bit of beer on our legs and floor from the first bottles of beer. 

I have been lucky enough to have some contacts in Bolivia or who are from Bolivia that have been kind in answering my questions. The one thing that I have learned is that everyone dresses very well in Bolivia. Which is a very different story from the small mountain town. I am going to have to get used to being the most undress. It sounds like there is going to be a wide verity of people from different backgrounds, so I am sure that I will be fine. 

I have just packed for over 2 hours and not quiet down yet, but the end of it is close. I am starting to get excited for my adventure in the next year. I just have the 24 hour travel time to look forward too :p Saying goodbye to family and friends has been hard, but I know that this trip will be worth it.